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Chris Helm
Posts: 687
Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:06 pm
Location: Watton (GB)


Post by Chris Helm »

Here are the final results from the 2024 championships:

Race 1 Driver / Passenger Points
1 Brett Wilkinson / Joe Millard 700 AMS WSP 25
2 Dan Foden / Josh Chamberlain 670 AMS WSP 22
888 Stuart Brown / Lewis Gray AMS KTM WSP 20
13 Michael Hodges / Ryan Henderson 701 Husky VMC 18
24 George Kinge / Scott Grahame 690 KTM WSP 16
3 Tony Grahame / Harley Lloyd 700 Zabel VMC 15
9 Jack Rogers / Ryan Beavis 610 KTM VMC 14
114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 13
145 Lee Foyle / Jack Wilkinson 540 KTM WSP 12
56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 11
52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 10
177 Ashlie Williams / Adam McKibbin 700 Zabel WSP 9
110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 8
121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 7
354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 6

Race 2 Driver / Passenger Machine Points
2 Dan Foden / Josh Chamberlain 670 AMS WSP 25
1 Brett Wilkinson / Joe Millard 700 AMS WSP 22
888 Stuart Brown / Lewis Gray AMS KTM WSP 20
13 Michael Hodges / Ryan Henderson 701 Husky VMC 18
24 George Kinge / Scott Grahame 690 KTM WSP 16
23 Anthony Milliar / John Hunt 610 KTM WHT 15
137 Taylor Whitt / Jake Grahame 570 KTM VMC 14
9 Jack Rogers / Ryan Beavis 610 KTM VMC 13
52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 12
114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 11
56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 10
177 Ashlie Williams / Adam McKibbin 700 Zabel WSP 9
141 David Petty / Jamie Greensill 630 KTM VMC 8
121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 7
110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 6
3 Tony Grahame / Harley Lloyd 700 Zabel VMC 5
354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 4

Overall Driver / Passenger Machine Points
2 Dan Foden / Josh Chamberlain 670 AMS WSP 47
1 Brett Wilkinson / Joe Millard 700 AMS WSP 47
888 Stuart Brown / Lewis Gray AMS KTM WSP 40
13 Michael Hodges / Ryan Henderson 701 Husky VMC 36
24 George Kinge / Scott Grahame 690 KTM WSP 32
9 Jack Rogers / Ryan Beavis 610 KTM VMC 27
114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 24
52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 22
56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 21
3 Tony Grahame / Harley Lloyd 700 Zabel VMC 20
177 Ashlie Williams / Adam McKibbin 700 Zabel WSP 18
23 Anthony Milliar / John Hunt 610 KTM WHT 15
137 Taylor Whitt / Jake Grahame 570 KTM VMC 14
121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 14
110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 14
145 Lee Foyle / Jack Wilkinson 540 KTM WSP 12
354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 10
141 David Petty / Jamie Greensill 630 KTM VMC 8



1 1 Brett Wilkinson / Joe Millard 700 AMS WSP 265
2 888 Stuart Brown / Lewis Gray AMS KTM WSP 206
3 13 Michael Hodges / Ryan Henderson 701 Husky VMC 171
4 2 Dan Foden / Josh Chamberlain 690 AMS WSP 146
5 145 Lee Foyle / Jack Wilkinson 540 KTM WSP 124
6 9 Jack Rogers / Ryan Beavis 610 KTM VMC 120
7 114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 106
8 24 George Kinge / Scott Grahame 690 KTM WSP 101
9 3 Tony Grahame / Harley Lloyd 700 Zabel VMC 100
10 177 Ashley Williams / Adam McKibbin 685 Zabel WSP 90
11 23 Anthony Milliar / Mike Curnow 610 WHT AMS 86
12 137 Taylor Whitt / Jake Grahame 590 KTM VMC 85
13 56 Luke Banks / David Keane 700 Zabel VMC 70
14 112 Jonathan Wilson / Andrew Rowan 450 Honda WSP 69
15 110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 57
16 89 Liam Mudie / Christopher Booth 665 AMS VMC 53
17 121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 47
18 52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 44
19 123 Leslie McCarthy / Louise Wilson 450 Honda WSP 39
20 100 Jake Brown / Josh Chamberlain 700 Zabel VMC 38
21 141 David Petty / Jamie Greensill 590 KTM VMC 34
22 14 Gary Moulds / Paul Horton 700 Zabel WSP 31
23 231 Jack Etheridge / Michael Curnow 610 KTM WHT 25
24 36 Cameron Addis / Kyi Addis 700 Zabel VMC 16
25 8 Paul Pelling / John Hunt 660 KTM VMC 14
26 354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 11
27 87 Jack Scarr / Mark Nicholson 610 AMS WHT 8
28 69 Christopher Nicholson / Mark Nicholson 540 KTM KHR 8
29 33 Toby Mann / Neil Burke 665 AMS WSP 8
30 181 Richard Gilham / Miles Gilham 610 Husky VMC 6
31 371 Steve Bazell / Paul Silvester 520 KTM VMC 3


Race 1 Driver / Passenger Points
114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 25
56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 22
52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 20
110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 18
121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 16
354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 15

Race 2 Driver / Passenger Machine Points
23 Anthony Milliar / John Hunt 610 KTM WHT 25
137 Taylor Whitt / Jake Grahame 570 KTM VMC 22
52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 20
114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 18
56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 16
141 David Petty / Jamie Greensill 630 KTM VMC 15
121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 14
110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 13
354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 12

Overall Driver / Passenger Machine Points
114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 43
52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 40
56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 38
110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 31
121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 30
354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 27
23 Anthony Milliar / John Hunt 610 KTM WHT 25
137 Taylor Whitt / Jake Grahame 570 KTM VMC 22
141 David Petty / Jamie Greensill 630 KTM VMC 15


1 114 Sam Osbaldiston / Thomas MacKay 700 Zabel VMC 200
2 137 Taylor Whitt / Jake Grahame 570 KTM VMC 157
3 23 Anthony Milliar / Michael Curnow 610 KTM WHT 155
4 56 Luke Banks / Chris Pannell 700 Zabel VMC 140
5 110 Tony Murch / John Murch 610 Husky WSP 131
6 121 Olly Peters / Cameron Winfield 450 Honda VMC 127
7 112 Jonathan Wilson / Andrew Rowan 450 Honda WSP 122
8 123 Leslie McCarthy / Louise Wilson 450 Honda WSP 89
9 141 David Petty / Jamie Greensill 630 KTM VMC 83
10 52 Matt Connor / Guy Eastman 700 Zabel WSP 82
11 36 Cameron Addis / Kyi Addis 700 Zabel VMC 51
12 231 Jack Etheridge / Mike Curnow 610 KTM WHT 50
13 354 Steve Jones / Rob Jones 700 Zabel Bastech 49
14 33 Toby Mann / Neil Burke 665 AMS WSP 35
15 87 Jack Scarr / Mark Nicholson 610 AMS WHT 28
16 181 Richard Gilham / Miles Gilham 610 Husky VMC 27
17 371 Steve Bazell / Paul Silvester 520 KTM VMC 25
18 69 Christopher Nicholson / Mark Nicholson 540 KTM KHR 21
19 362 Gary Craig / Jake Grahame 700 Zabel WSP 10
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